Erotical Parade Japan
気鋭の女性フランス人カウンターカルチャー専門ジャーナリスト、アニエス・ジアールが、「奇妙で豊穣な性文化」について日本の様々な文化的側面から掘り下げていくユニークな比較文化論。男性の多くはどうして自分の恋人が他の女性と性的な関係を持っても平気なの? 今回は「浮気の受け入れ方」の中に潜む男女の意外な違いを紹介。興味深い指摘へと話を広げていきます。最近、浮気に関する科学的研究が行なわれた。
女性たちは反対に、見捨てられることを恐れるようだ。夫が他の女性と関係をもっても、彼女たちは「遊びかもしれない、この女となら戦えるわ、私のほうがセクシーだし賢い」などと考える。でも夫が同性愛の浮気をした場合は、「男性とは戦えない」と考える。それは女性が男性より劣っていると感じているからだろうか? それともペニスがないからだろうか?
私もこれに関する記事を書いたことがあるのだが、その時も多くのフランス人読者が反応を示した。「私の妻が女性とセックスしても、私はハッピーだね。だって自分が二人の女性とセックスするようなものだからさ」。これに関しては有名な歌がある「俺の彼女の彼女は、俺の2番目の彼女さ」(Type O negative)。
"Sex-play between women"
Sex-play between women is not "serious" according to French and American people.
Recently there has been some scientific studies about infidelity.
In USA (and probably in France too), half of men are OK if their girlfriend has cheated on them with another woman. But if she has cheated with another man, nearly 3 men on 4 will say "bye bye", according to new research from a University of Texas at Austin psychologist.
Women show the opposite pattern. Look at the figures:
50% of men will continue dating a woman who has had a homosexual affair
22% of men will stay with a woman after a heterosexual affair.
28% of women will continue to date a boyfriend who has had a heterosexual affair.
21% of women will stay with a man who has had a homosexual affair.
The researchers who made these studies say that men are more distressed by the type of infidelity that could threaten their paternity of offspring. It's a kind of genetic fear. Men may also view a partner's homosexual affair as an opportunity to mate with more than one woman simultaneously, satisfying men's greater desire for more partners.
The women, on the opposite, seem to be afraid of being abandoned. If their husband has an affair with another woman, they think "Maybe it's just a flirt. I can fight against this woman, I am more sexy and intelligent than her". But if their husband is homosexual, they think "I cannot fight against a man". Maybe women feel they are inferior to men??? Because they have no dick?
I made an article about this and many French readers reacted on this study saying: "If my wife has sex with another woman, I am a happy man, because it's like making love with 2 women". There is a famous song about it: "My girlfriend's girlfriend is my girlfriend 2". (Type O negative)
It's very funny, because men are very much excited by sex-play between girls. In swinging clubs, in France, women are very often asked to start playing with another women… in order to arouse men who are around.
Men think it's only "foreplay". Not "Real sex".
Men think: "A woman has no dick. So she is less sexually powerful than men!". Which is not true. Usually, women have pleasure with clitoris, not with vagina. So women get much more pleasure with someone who plays with tongue and fingers (and Fairy!).
I think Japanese people know that. But French and American people ignore it.
There is a lot of ignorance about women's body in our countries. Even women ignore their own true power. In our countries, the male sex has become much more important than female sex. We are a phallic culture. For example, when we look at a breast, now, we look at how "big" it is. We measure it, with a "convex" point of view. We think "woman with big breast is like man with big dick" and this is why so many women try to put silicon inside their breast, as if it was sexier to be "full".
But in the antic time (before Jesus Christ), people considered breast like a hole, like a cavern, with a "concave" point of view. The word "sein" (breast, in French) comes from "sinus" (Latin word) which means something deep inside your clothes, where you can introduce your hand… The word "sinus" used to means the mystery of hidden matrix, internal invisible truth.
Another example: in pagan times, people used to consider mountain both as something very high, leading to god sphere, and something very empty, with caverns inside, like the navel. These people did not separate male power (something that goes towards the sky) and female power (something that waits inside)…
All things going up are related to the idea of progress, in our human mind. But the progress is based on something that must come from inner-self, from inside. To progress, to go up often means to interiorize. Maybe, there could be a link with emptiness and "hara" in martial art?
欧米フェティッシュ・ジャーナル Fetish Journal
11.03.03更新 |
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