(c) Steve Gagnon - http://bodysushiexperience.com
Erotical Parade Japan
気鋭の女性フランス人カウンターカルチャー専門ジャーナリスト、アニエス・ジアールが、「奇妙で豊穣な性文化」について日本の様々な文化的側面から掘り下げていくユニークな比較文化論。今回は日本人なら誰でも一度は聞いたことがある「女体盛り」について、その起源や海外での受け入れられ方を紹介します。女体盛りは今や日本からはほとんど消えてしまったのだが、他の国々では今でも高い人気を博している。スティーブ・ギャグノンは、2005年にフロリダでボディースシ・エンタープライズを創設した。彼の顧客はエキゾティックで贅沢な"食事"を用意して、接待に高額を支払うような企業家ばかりだ。スティーブ・ギャグノンによると「日本では、女性たちは胸に花びらを飾ったヌードだが、アメリカではTバックをはいたモデルを使ったほうが評判がいい。ヌード性は隠ぺいされる。ヌードとはフランス人なら"faute de gout"(味音痴)と呼ぶような、あまり美味しくないものだからだ」。
(c) Steve Gagnon - http://bodysushiexperience.com
At the end of the 80's, in Japan, some businessmen started getting diner on the naked body of a woman, in order to eat sushis directly on her. "Nyotaimori" is always very fascinating for "gaikokujin" who always ask about the history of this strange custom. "According to professor of Japanese history, William Marotta of U.C.L.A., "nyotaimori's peak in popularity might have been during Japan's bubble economy in the late 1980s," says Steve Gagnon. "A that time, the Japanese were trying to find new ways to spend all of their money."
Now, "nyotaimori" has nearly disappeared in Japan. But it's very successful in other countries… Steve Gagnon created in 2005 a body-sushi enterprise in Florida. His clients are mainly entrepreneurs ready to pay a high price for the pleasure of entertaining their business guests with an exotic and extravagant "buffet". "In Japan, the girls are usually nude, says Steve Gagnon, with flower petals on the breast. But in America it's better to have a model with G-string. Nudity is hidden. Nudity would be considered something you French people call a "faute de gout", something not very tasteful !".
It's very funny to see that in USA, "nyotaimori" has become something close to "art". It seems that in Japan it was first related to "yakuza"s and sex industry. "Nyotaoimori is associated, in legend at least, with Japanese organized crime, but solid facts on its origins are extraordinarily difficult to pin down" explains Steve Gagnon. Maybe this legend comes from the fact women are often used as a way to sign a treaty or a pact between men ? Maybe businessmen find it very exciting to think "nyotaimori" used to be a yakuza entertainment ? It's very difficult to know.
American "nyotaimori" is a "creative, reffined and stylish experience" for the eyes only. I have the feeling that Japanese "nyotaimori" is, in fact, close to "gaman" practice. It's an exercise of self control and the men who are eating on the body of the girl enjoy testing her ability to keep smiling and motionless. They talk about her. They exchange points of view about her body. Sometimes, they can even play some tricky games such as telling stupid jokes about women's sexuality, just to see if the girl will get ashamed or angry… They call the girl "onsen geisha" and they comment about all the sushis that have been put on precise parts of her body: anago, for obvious reasons, is close to her pubis. Tako, kai, uni are also close to her sex. Of course, "nyotaimori" is only about sushi. With meat, it would not be so erotic and funny! In France, sea food is also particularly erotic ("nama" oyster). To say "vagina", we can use the word "moule" (mussel), but it's very vulgar so please, don't say it.
Anyway, when I think about "nyotaimori", I think about "zen" exercise. Then "nyotaimori" girl must stay silent, still, and very cool, like Bouddha. She must endure psychological trial. And men admire that.
著者: アニエス・ジアール
翻訳: にむらじゅんこ
発売: 2010年12月22日
定価: 3,990円(本体3,800円)
ISBN: 978-4-309-24534-8
内容:あまりに奇妙で、あまりに豊饒な日本のエロス的イメージ! 気鋭のフランス人女性ジャーナリストが論じる大胆な日本のエロティック・カルチャー……ロリコン、人形、制服フェチ、コスプレ、メイドカフェ、援助交際、風俗産業……現代アートや浮世絵、風俗雑誌など、約300点にのぼる豊富な図版を収録!
著者: アニエス・ジアール
翻訳: にむらじゅんこ
発売: 2010年12月22日
定価: 3,990円(本体3,800円)
ISBN: 978-4-309-24534-8
内容:あまりに奇妙で、あまりに豊饒な日本のエロス的イメージ! 気鋭のフランス人女性ジャーナリストが論じる大胆な日本のエロティック・カルチャー……ロリコン、人形、制服フェチ、コスプレ、メイドカフェ、援助交際、風俗産業……現代アートや浮世絵、風俗雑誌など、約300点にのぼる豊富な図版を収録!
欧米フェティッシュ・ジャーナル Fetish Journal

アニエス・ジアール - AGNES GIARD - 1969年生まれ。仏リベラシオン紙のジャーナリストであり、主にカウンターカルチャーや性に関する記事の専門家。日本のエロティシズムについて言及した著作 『エロティック・ジャポン』(仮)、『図解 ビザール・セックス全書』(仮)がそれぞれ河出書房新社と作品社より近日刊行予定。現在は京都の関西日仏交流会館ヴィラ九条山に滞在しており、日本における様々な恋愛物語についての本を準備中。

前田マナ 英国ランカスター大学演劇学部修士修了。専門は現代演劇やコンテンポラリーダンス。
11.02.17更新 |
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