Erotical Parade Japan
気鋭の女性フランス人カウンターカルチャー専門ジャーナリスト、アニエス・ジアールが、「奇妙で豊穣な性文化」について日本の様々な文化的側面から掘り下げていくユニークな比較文化論。今回は母国フランスで浸透している、愛にまつわる自意識について。日本との比較を交えながらフランス人の根本へと切り込んでいきます。その問いとはこうだ「なぜフランス人は、自分たちを巧みな女たらしだと信じているのだろう? 」。
まず、"フランスの恋人"を検証してみたい。ひとつにはこれは有名なシャルル・ボワイエから始まった。彼はアメリカ人女性と結婚してアメリカに帰化したのだが、30年代から40年代にかけてロマチックなハリウッド映画に出演しても、フランス訛りで喋ることを止めなかった。彼はグレタ・ガルボやベティ・デイヴィス、マレーネ・デートリッヒといった女優の相手役として活躍した。ルーニー・チューンズ(ワーナーブラザーズが製作するアニメ)は、ペペ・ル・ピュというシャルル・ボワイエそっくりな、臭いけどひどく面白いスカンクのキャラクターを生み出した。ペペ・ル・ピュは英語とフランス語、ドイツを交えて喋る。「ではモン・シェリ、退屈なプレリミネールを始めて、余生は僕とラムールして暮らしましょう」といった具合だ。最初に登場したのは、1945年のマンガ『Odor-able Kitty』で、1949年には『For Scent-imental Reasons』でアカデミー賞を受賞している。「ああ私の寛大で高貴なる我がかわいこちゃん、我らは共にメロドラマを作ろうではないか! ああなんて偉大な幻想!」(ペペのセリフ)
世界的には、フランスの恋人は、映画『霧の波止場』でジャン・ギャバンが見せた夜の都会でのロマンチックなせりふと身体を密着させるシーンで有名になった。ギャバンは歩きながら女性をがっちりと壁に押し付け、胸と胸がくっつくくらい接近して言う。「君の目はなんて綺麗なんだろう」。このセリフはフランスでは有名で、男が女性に対しておどけてみせたいときこう言えば、女は男のことをチャーミングだと思うことになっている。数年後、イヴ・モンタン(マリリン・モンローと浮き名を流した)とベルモンドが、マッチョで星や花に語りかける典型的なフランスの恋人のポジションをとった。ああ、過去の恋人たちの残党はどこへ……。1978年にシャルル・ボイエが溺愛していた妻の死後2.日目に自殺すると、アメリカ人たちはその究極の"ロマンティシズム"に感銘を受けた。シャルルは本当の"フランスの恋人"として死んだのだ。それでは今はどうか? メイド・イン・パリの女たらしはみな死んでしまった。だから世界の誰もがもうフランス人が一番の恋人だとは思っていない。
ここで新たな疑問だ。このおかしな風評は本当はどこからきたのだろう? 真のフランスの恋人神話の源はどこにあるのだろう。
それは11世紀に始まり、"fin' amor"とか"amour courtois"(宮廷愛)と呼ばれる詩的で観念的な現象から来ており、マリー・ド・シャンパーニュとかエレアノール・ダキテーヌといった偉大な"フランスの女"の宮廷で育まれた。宮廷愛は性愛的な欲望と精神性の獲得の狭間の経験であった。我々のような一神教徒にとって、それは矛盾してみえる現象だ。宮廷愛は「不道徳であると同時に高尚で、情熱的でありつつ礼儀正しく、屈辱的かつ名誉なこと、人間らしくかつ超越的」なものである。その愛は粗野でありながら神秘的だ。
French people think they are the best lovers of the world. But since Strauss-Kahn was charged with sexually assaulting a hotel maid, the French lover myth has been seriously damaged. Foreign journalists (specially American ones) started questioning the "pervasive macho culture in France, where sexism and abuse can thrive".
The question is : why do French people think they are good a seducers ?
Where does the myth of "French lover" comes from ?
What is original in French culture, compared to Japanese culture, concerning love ?
First, let's examine what "French lover" is. It comes from the famous Charles Boyer. He came to USA after marrying an American woman, and he became american himself but never stopped using his French accent during his performances in romantic Hollywood movies during the 30's and 40's. He was the partner of Greta Garbo, Bette Davis and Marlene Dietrich. Looney Tunes created an animated sosie of Charles Boyer : Pepe le Pew, a stinking and hilarious skunk talking with a mix of english, French and German words. "So, mon chérie, let's start with a dull préliminaires and spend the rest of our lives making l'amour." Its first appearance goes back to 1945 in the cartoon "Odor-able Kitty". Pepe le Pew got an award in 1949 For "For Scent-imental Reasons" : "Now my little oblige of noblesse. We shall make together the drama melo. Ahh, ze great illusion !"
French lover, for the whole world, became a mixture of romantic sentences and physical contact, something that became famous with the Jean Gabin sequence in the movie Quai des Brumes : it's night, in the city. Jean Gabin pushes the woman he is walking with against a wall, with firm hands and, very close to her, breast against breast, he tells her : "T'as d'beaux yeux, tu sais" ("You have beautiful eyes, y'know"). This sentence is very very famous in France. If a man wants to make fun of himself, he can just say that to a woman… and she will find this quite charming. A few years later, Yves Montand (who subdued Marilyn Monroe) and Belmondo also became the incarnations of the French lover : acting like macho male and talking about flower and stars. Alas, alas, what does remain of these past lovers ? When Charles Boyer committed suicide in 1978, two days after the death of his wife with whom he was so much in love, the Americans were deeply moved by this ultimate form of "romanticism". Charles Boyer had died as a true "French lover"… What about now? The seducer "made in Paris" is dead. All over the world, nobody thinks French people are the best lovers any more.
So now, here is a new question. Where does this strange reputation come from ? What is the real origin of the French lover myth ?
It comes from what we call "fin' amor" or "amour courtois" (courtly love), a poetic and ideological phenomenon that started in the XI century and grew in the courts of Marie de Champagne or Aliénor d'Aquitaine, great "dames de France". Courtly love was an experience between erotic desire and spiritual attainment. For us, monotheist people, it seems contradictory. Courtly love is "a love at once illicit and morally elevating, passionate and disciplined, humiliating and, human and transcendent", a love that is both very crude and very mystical.
In Japan, you are used to such contradictions. Because love cannot be complete if does not feed both the body and the mind-heart. But in France, at that time, it seemed nearly impossible to believe that woman could be both someone very spiritual, beautiful, elevated and someone very exciting, with soft skin and delicious body… To understand courtly love, we must understand that the Christian priests had made women close to the devil. Desire was banned. Pleasure was a sin. When troubadours appeared, there was a need for something more human, more kind. Under the influence of the Arabian profane poetry from Andalusia, French people who lived in the south of France started thinking about an ideal. They were tired of taboo. Some of them wanted to develop the idea of a religion without sin, without guilt. These people were men and women who created poems and songs both very high and very crude. Politically incorrect art.
This was the start of French love as "political and philosophical quest of pleasure". In the XVII century, the writers and philosophers started making French revolution through erotic sometimes pornographic novels. Sade, Diderot, Voltaire, etc, were what we call "libertin", people fighting for liberty, freedom of speech, freedom of religious faith, freedom of the body. French lover comes from this very particular way to talk about love : it's a subversive and militant talk. In Japan, it seems that kabuki has been quite close to courtly love and "libertinage". During Edo era, so many things were forbidden that the "chonin" started falling in love with prostitutes to claim that they wanted freedom. It was the only way to feel free. Falling in love with someone you could not easily marry was a good way to protest against "normal life". Making suicide was also a way to fight. "I kill myself, therefore I am". But it was not a fight against religion. It was a fight against society and military dictatorship.
欧米フェティッシュ・ジャーナル Fetish Journal
11.06.30更新 |
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