Carl Offterdinger・画
Erotical Parade Japan
西洋では、これに関する物語がある。多分誰でも知っている赤頭巾ちゃんの話だ。昔々女の子がお母さんに言いました。「病気のおばあさんに食事を運んであげるわ」。彼女はパンとチーズと果物を小さなかごにつめると、赤い帽子をかぶりドアを開けました。お母さんは言いました。「森では大きな悪い狼に気をつけるのよ。知らない人には話しかけないこと」。女の子は言いました。「はい、おかあさん」。そして女の子は出かけました。森で知らない男に会いました。彼は聞きました。「どこに行くんだい? かわいこちゃん」。あかずきんちゃんは答えました。「おばあさんの家よ」。でもあかずきんはそれ以上は話しませんでした。おかあさんに気をつけるよう言われていたからです。

Walter Crane・画

月岡芳年・画 『日本略史 素戔嗚尊』より
日本書紀にはこれに関する重要な話がある。夜麻登登母母曾毘売命(やまととももそびめのみこと)という巫女と大物主神(おものぬしのかみ)(大和の神である)という夜這いの恋人の話である。彼女は彼に「あなたを見たい」と頼む。彼は応える「よろしい、では私の形を見せてあげますから、明日の朝、櫛笥(くしげ)を見てください。でもどうか驚かないように」。夜が明け始めると、やまとびめは櫛笥をあけた。そして恐怖のあまり叫んた。箱の中には小さな蛇がいたからだ。神は恥をかかされたと、自分のすみか(御諸山 みもろのやま)に帰り、彼女は倒れこみ、箸が陰部に刺さった。そして姫は死んでしまった。蛇婿入りとは輪廻転生のお話である。
Do you know what girls want?
They want fun. But most of all, they want to be swallowed by someone who looks like a beautiful monster.
In Occident, there is a story about that. Maybe you heard it: little red riding hood. Mukashi mukashi, a girl told her mother: "I will deliver food to my sick grand-mother". She put some bread, cheese and fruits in a little basket. She put her red cap on the head and she opened the door. Her mother told her: "In the forest, be careful with the big bad wolf. Don't talk to strangers". The girl said: "Yes, mother". And she went out. In the forest, she met an unknown man. He asked her: "Where do you go, pretty?". She told him: "To my grand-mother's house" But she did not say anything more, because her mother had told her to be careful.
The big bad wolf hurried to the grand-mother's house and asked, with a nice little voice: "Let me in! Grand-mother, open the door!". The grand-mother opened the door and the wolf ate her, in only one gulp. Then, the wolf disguised himself as an old woman. He went into the bed and waited. Soon, little red riding hood arrived and entered the house. "Do you feel better grand-mother?" She came close to the bed. "Oh, grand-mother, you have big dark eyes". "It's for looking at you better my dear child" said the wolf. Getting closer, little red hood was very surprised: "Oh grand-mother, you have big mouth". "It's for kissing you better my dear child". Getting even closer, the little red hood said: "Oh grand-mother, you have such big teeth". "It's for eating you better my dear child". And suddenly the wolf swallowed the girl. Later, she was rescued by a brave hunter, who cut open the wolf's belly. Little red riding hood went out of the wolf's stomach and married the hunter. They lived forever happy together and had many children.
In Japan, you have the same story, exactly the same: it's "orochi" and Susanoo legend. Mukashi mukashi, the Japanese storm god, associated with fertility, comes out of the "nose" of Izanagi. The nose, of course, is a metaphor. It's like the tango nose: it's a dick. But, as a violent child, Susano-o makes a lot of fuss. He is sent to Ashihara no Nakatsukuni into exile, because he has done bad things with his sister Amaterasu. When he arrives on Ashihara no Nakatsukuni, he meets a man, his wife and their beautiful girl crying near a river. "What's happening to you?". The man tells him that once a year for the last seven years, an eight-headed, eight-tailed serpent called Yamata no Orochi (or Yamata-no-Tsurugi) has devoured one of his 7 daughters, and the time has now come for him to claim the last one.
Susano-o is moved to compassion and he asks the name of the girl: Kushinada Hime. "I want to save her. If I succeed, will you give her to me as wife?". The man and his wife are so happy, that they cry with relief. "Yes, of course, you can marry Kushinada hime if you save her life!". Susano-o gives a knife to Kushinada. "Hold it when Orochi eats you" he says. Then he orders that a special wine be prepared and barrels of it placed along a fence with eight apertures. When the serpent comes, first he drinks the irresistible vintage, he becomes drunk and then he eats Kushinada, without noticing she has a knife with her. Then, Susano-o fights against Orochi very bravely. Inside the snake belly, Kushinada, half-dead, hears the battle. It makes her feel stronger. "Someone loves me! Someone wants to save my life!". So she cuts open from inside the belly of the snake, while Susano-o cuts the heads. They live forever happy together and have many Children.
You can find the same story in ancient Greece: Pers?e rescued Andromed who was about to be eaten by a dragon during a sacrifice. In the Bible, Pers?e became Saint Georges who kills the dragon. There are many others legends related to this myth.
Psychoanalysts explained that all these stories talk about the woman who becomes adult and start looking for a companion. She has to create her own family and cut the relationship with her mother. It's a difficult moment. Because mother always wants to stay with her children and never let them go. So mother is like a dragon: she swallows her beloved daughter, to save her from outside world.
There is a tale (N°6) in Ise Monogatari related to this: mukashi otoko (Ariwara no Narihira) was in love with a woman. He kidnapped her in a dark night and walked, with her beloved on the back, far away in the wilds. When the rain started to fall, they stopped in front of a ruin. The woman went inside and the man stood awake, outside, to keep her safe. He was waiting for the storm to stop. But inside the ruins, monsters gulped the woman. She did not have time but to shout "Anaya!". And then, she disappeared. The man cried a lot, but he could get her back again.
The monster, of course, were not real monsters. They were just people who took the woman back to her home. I heard it was the brothers. Maybe some servants… Anyway, in all these legends, monsters who "gulp" or "swallow" are very often the people who want to "protect" the girl from outsiders, from the wilds, from lovers.
But the monsters who look like snake or dragons are not only symbols of mother's womb (or vagina). They are also symbols of lover's dick. Their shape is very ambivalent. This is why, in Japan, snakes are considered as "mushi", like all these insects who transforms themselves after getting into a cocoon. Snake means "metamorphic life cycle". It means "being reborn". When a girl gets swallowed by a snake, very often, it means she was kidnapped (or chosen) by a man who made her "a real woman": she went through the tube of the snake's body, as if it was a tunnel, a kind of underground passage going from death to new life… The men's penes are very powerful snake-symbols of regeneration and resurrection. To get born again, first you have to be buried and become the food for insects, reptiles, roots… and penis. You also have to go into a woman's womb, which has the shape of old Japanese tombs. In ancient Japan, people were buried in a sitting position like fetuses.
This is why the dragon-snake of Japanese mythology is both the mother and the husband. It's the mother you have to kill, in order to get free. But it's also the man who takes you away with him… It's the 8 thunder gods, Izakuchi, born from the hideous corpse of Izanami in the dark realm of yomi dark… It's the savage body of god's true nature that you MUST NOT SEE, that must remain invisible. If you look at it, you can die, because it's too much powerful and violent for human mind… Dragon-snake is both female and male, but so divine that it's forbidden to name it and to look at it.
There is a very important story in Nihonshoki related to this: the story of a shaman-woman Yamatotomomoso-bime and her invisible yobai-lover Omononushi no kami (who is the kami of Yamato). She asks him: “I want to see you”. He answers: “OK, I will show you my shape (katachi) in your comb’s box (mikushige) tomorrow morning, but please don’t be afraid.” When the daylight starts to glow, Yamato-bime opens her comb’s box and shout with terror: inside the box, there is a little snake. The god is ashamed. He goes back to where he lives (Minoro yama) . She was so frightened that fell down and cut her sex by a chopstick, and died. Hebimukoiri (snake-lover) are very often stories related to the cycle of life and death.
The names of the snakes are very interesting to understand their double meanings and symbolism. Orochi means "string" (o), "tail" (oro) and "spirit" (chi). Orochi is like the red string of love (akai ito) that connects the lovers: it's like en-musubi. Hebi (hemi) means "spirit" (mi, bi) and "fire power", "fertile power" (he / ho): snake represents both female sex and male sex that connect together to create life. Snake is also related to hair which are symbols of divine power (because hair connect human beings with heaven) and to umbilical cord which symbolizes eternity (because it connects mother with children even after death). It's interesting to know that umbilical cord and combs are put in boxes, like jewels or mirrors. When you open these boxes, you can die. Because inside, it's your own true divine and love power that is waiting to be discovered. It's your heart.
著者: アニエス・ジアール
翻訳: にむらじゅんこ
発売: 2010年12月22日
定価: 3,990円(本体3,800円)
ISBN: 978-4-309-24534-8
内容:あまりに奇妙で、あまりに豊饒な日本のエロス的イメージ! 気鋭のフランス人女性ジャーナリストが論じる大胆な日本のエロティック・カルチャー……ロリコン、人形、制服フェチ、コスプレ、メイドカフェ、援助交際、風俗産業……現代アートや浮世絵、風俗雑誌など、約300点にのぼる豊富な図版を収録!
著者: アニエス・ジアール
翻訳: にむらじゅんこ
発売: 2010年12月22日
定価: 3,990円(本体3,800円)
ISBN: 978-4-309-24534-8
内容:あまりに奇妙で、あまりに豊饒な日本のエロス的イメージ! 気鋭のフランス人女性ジャーナリストが論じる大胆な日本のエロティック・カルチャー……ロリコン、人形、制服フェチ、コスプレ、メイドカフェ、援助交際、風俗産業……現代アートや浮世絵、風俗雑誌など、約300点にのぼる豊富な図版を収録!
欧米フェティッシュ・ジャーナル Fetish Journal

アニエス・ジアール - AGNES GIARD - 1969年生まれ。仏リベラシオン紙のジャーナリストであり、主にカウンターカルチャーや性に関する記事の専門家。日本のエロティシズムについて言及した著作 『エロティック・ジャポン』(仮)、『図解 ビザール・セックス全書』(仮)がそれぞれ河出書房新社と作品社より近日刊行予定。現在は京都の関西日仏交流会館ヴィラ九条山に滞在しており、日本における様々な恋愛物語についての本を準備中。

前田マナ 英国ランカスター大学演劇学部修士修了。専門は現代演劇やコンテンポラリーダンス。
11.04.21更新 |
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