Erotical Parade Japan

キリスト教徒にとって、セックスとはタブー、悪である。そして身体は危険分子だ、なぜなら人間は自身の欲望をコントロールできないからである。人はみな精神と言葉から生まれなければならない、つまり抽象的な脳の操作によって生み出されるというわけだ。聖アンブローズのように何人かのキリスト教者は、イエス・キリストは耳から生まれたといったものだ。天使が彼女に告げたからマリアは妊娠したとね。"Maria per aurem impregnata est(マリアは耳から妊娠した)"である。これが19世紀まで母親が子供たちに「ママ、僕はどこからきたの?」と聞かれると、「ある晩のこと、お父さんがとっても素敵なことを囁いたの、とても優しい秘密よ、とても低い声でね。だからお母さんはお父さんの口に耳を近づけたの、とっても近くに。そうしたらあなたを妊娠したの」と答えたものだ。これは言霊に通じる話しではあるけれど、神道というわけではないわね?
ある僧侶は若王子神社の梛は伊勢神宮でも使われていると言っていた、"完璧すぎますからね"と 。
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※註1 『古事記』ではイザナギノミコトは、伊邪那岐命、『日本紀』では、伊弉諾神と表記される。

"through the ear", or "through the sex" ?
"Mummy, where do I come from?" ―let's compare Genesis in Japan and in France
Through the ear or through the sex?
The first "jinja" on the Tetsugaku no michi, in Kyoto, is dedicated to the people who start a trip (mainly for Kumano Kodo).
So, when you start walking, first, you have to go to this "jinja", in order to pray for good trip. Even if it's a little trip!
The "jjinja"'s name is Kumano Nyakuo-ji 若王子神社.
It is dedicated to one of the most important love-story in Japan :the love-story of Izanagi et Izanami.
Here is this love-story (for those who forgot):
Izanagi (The Male Who Invites) and Izanami (The Female Who Invites) descended to Yomitsu Kuni, land of darkness. According to legend, they stood on the floating bridge of heaven and stirred the primeval ocean (a huge metaphorical vagina) with a jeweled spear (a big metaphorical penis). When they lifted the spear, the drops (metaphorical sperm???) that fell back into the water formed the first solid land, an island called Onogoro. Izanagi and Izanami descended to the island and they built a tall, sacred column (a metaphorical "konsei-sama"). Izanagi circled the column in one direction, Izanami went in the other. When they met face to face, they married (they had sex). Their first child was deformed, and the other gods said it was because Izanami spoke before her husband at their marriage ceremony. The couple performed another wedding ceremony, this time correctly. Izanami soon gave birth to eight lovely children, who became the islands of Japan. Izanagi and Izanami then created many gods and goddesses to represent the mountains, valleys, waterfalls, streams, winds, and other natural beauties of Japan.
This story is told in the 2 oldest books of Japan (700 after JC): the "Kojiki" (Records of Ancient Matters) and the "Nihongi" (Chronicles of Japan).
Now here is my analysis of this story:
In the Bible (Genesis for Christian people), the world is "created". It's created through abstract process of language by one God who has no sex. In Christianism, God is "pure" from evil body.
In the "Kojiki"-"Nihongi" (Genesis for Japanese people), the world is "procreated". The world comes from sexual and love relationship between one male (Izanagi) and one female (Izanami).
It means that, for Japanese people, sex-love is sacred act. It's the act that makes humankind similar to God.
For Japanese people, sex-love is a way to create life, energy, power, happiness. Everything we do must come from positive pleasure, dynamic excitement, desire to seduce and to get more pleasure.
For Christian people, sex is something taboo, evil. Body is dangerous, because we can not control our appetite. Everything we do must come from the mind, the words, very abstract operations of the brain. Some Christian people -like Saint Ambroise- used to say that Jesus-Christ had been made "by the ear". The angel talked to her, and then she became pregnant: "Maria per aurem impregnata est". This is why, until the XIXe century, mothers used to tell the children who asked "Mummy, where do I come from ?" : "One night, your father said something very nice to me, like a tender secret, with a very low voice, so I had to put my ear very close to his mouth… and then I got pregnant".
It's very similar to Kotodama. But it's not very "Shinto", ne ?
In Kumano Nyakuo-ji jinja 若王子神社, there are "nagi" with "perfect shape". The leaves are perfectly symmetrical, and in balance. They go by pair.
This is why many lovers come here to get a little branch of "nagi".
The priest says that the "nagi" from Nyakuo-ji jinja is also used in Ise jingu, "because it's so perfect".
The leaves look like bird wings!
In the entrance, there is a sacred "nagi".
It's very interesting the name of Izanagi is written with the "kanji" for "nagi tree".
I asked someone what does "Izanagi" mean?
Someone from Kumano told me: "One of the interpretations is that Izana of Izanagi could mean invitation or temptation and "gi" implies man, whereas one theory claims that Iza could mean "start off (out of the sacred world)" or could mean "achievement" or "charity" and "nagi" connotes "peace."
In Japan, one of the most important for "nagi" is Kumano Hayatama. But I will talk about it another time.
著者: アニエス・ジアール
翻訳: にむらじゅんこ
発売: 2010年12月22日
定価: 3,990円(本体3,800円)
ISBN: 978-4-309-24534-8
内容:あまりに奇妙で、あまりに豊饒な日本のエロス的イメージ! 気鋭のフランス人女性ジャーナリストが論じる大胆な日本のエロティック・カルチャー……ロリコン、人形、制服フェチ、コスプレ、メイドカフェ、援助交際、風俗産業……現代アートや浮世絵、風俗雑誌など、約300点にのぼる豊富な図版を収録!
著者: アニエス・ジアール
翻訳: にむらじゅんこ
発売: 2010年12月22日
定価: 3,990円(本体3,800円)
ISBN: 978-4-309-24534-8
内容:あまりに奇妙で、あまりに豊饒な日本のエロス的イメージ! 気鋭のフランス人女性ジャーナリストが論じる大胆な日本のエロティック・カルチャー……ロリコン、人形、制服フェチ、コスプレ、メイドカフェ、援助交際、風俗産業……現代アートや浮世絵、風俗雑誌など、約300点にのぼる豊富な図版を収録!
欧米フェティッシュ・ジャーナル Fetish Journal

アニエス・ジアール - AGNES GIARD - 1969年生まれ。仏リベラシオン紙のジャーナリストであり、主にカウンターカルチャーや性に関する記事の専門家。日本のエロティシズムについて言及した著作 『エロティック・ジャポン』(仮)、『図解 ビザール・セックス全書』(仮)がそれぞれ河出書房新社と作品社より近日刊行予定。現在は京都の関西日仏交流会館ヴィラ九条山に滞在しており、日本における様々な恋愛物語についての本を準備中。

前田マナ 英国ランカスター大学演劇学部修士修了。専門は現代演劇やコンテンポラリーダンス。
11.01.27更新 |
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