Erotical Parade Japan
『Le corps utopique suivi de Les heterotopies 』
著者=Michel Foucault 発行=2009年6月20日
当欄への引用にあたって〜 英訳=アニエス・ジアール 日本語訳=前田マナ
著者=Michel Foucault 発行=2009年6月20日
当欄への引用にあたって〜 英訳=アニエス・ジアール 日本語訳=前田マナ

The fantasy No.1 in the world
When I left Japan, January the 3rd, I made one last picture in the airport. The picture of a Noh actor, wearing the mask of a woman, in a "origami" shop.
Today, January 23, I read in the newspapers that an American neurobiologist, Lise Eliot, published the results of her studies about genders.
"The brain has no sex" she says.
"All humans are the same, from a mental point of view: women and men have exactly the same kind of cognitive capacities, the same brain-system, the same processor inside their head… The differences come only from education. Women, in our countries, are taught to be nice, passive, obedient. Boys are taught to be brave, foolish and strong."
This, for me, Lise Eliot made a very important statement.
Because of Christianism, occidental cultures rely on the physical differences between the sex.
Many French people don't understand how it is possible that Miwa-san dresses as a woman and still proclaims he is a man.
"Is Miwa he or she ?".
French people think: "You have to make your choice."
In France, when you want to be called "madam", if you wish to be recognized officially as a woman, you have to get your penis removed and transformed in a neo-vagina. Even if it's very painful, dangerous and useless,. you have to change your organs. Because Christian mentality says: "a woman is a hole. A man is a penis". The problem with that stupid law, is that surgery in France is not good enough. Transexuals must go to Brazil or Thailand in order to get surgery. And it costs a lot. The transexuals who tried surgery in France are now on wheel-chairs…
Japan is a country where gender transformations are much more free.
Because of "Shinto", maybe. In "Shinto" religion, it is said that the souls can travel from a body to another. Until Meiji era, some "miko" used to make magical ritual with the dead. Sometimes, they would become a man, because the soul of a dead man came inside their body.
Buddhism is also very important in Japanese gender culture: the "chigo monogatari" are very ancient stories of young boys dressed like nice little girls who become the lovers of monks. And sometimes, these boys die and become Kannon. In Buddhism, when you die, you can get reborn in a different body.
This is why transvestite culture is so old in Japan. "Shirabyoshi" dressed like men… Male prostitute dressed like women…
From the novel "Torikaebaya" to "visual kei" phenomenon, there are always been people playing with genders in Japan.
In Japan, a woman is a person who chooses to behave, talk, dress as a woman. Nobody will ask about her organs. Body does not matter. What matters is "style".
In Noh play, the actor does not change his voice and he wears a very little mask, with a big ribbon, so that everybody can see there is a man on the stage. But it does not matter. Because what's important is emotion, feeling, deep "kimochi". Style.
In Japan, compared to France, body is like unisex dress. You wear it. But it's not you.
You are not body. You are what you make with your body. Your true self hides behind the body.
Michel Foucault wrote a beautiful text about this, before dying: "I cannot move without my body, he says. I cannot put it here and go away from him. My body is always with me. I share this little space he occupies in the world. Sometimes, I can forget about him. It's like forgetting about my shadow. I get so used to it, I just don't notice it anymore. But sometimes I feel like trapped into my body. It's my prison. I look at myself. I am ugly. My eyes are not good. I lose my hair. My body condemns me to death. This is why the fantasy number one in the world is to go out of this body. It's the ultimate fantasy, the first one, the most important fantasy in the world. We want to go into the land of magic, where bodies are immortal, powerful, fast as light… A land where we can become invisible. A land where we can become animals or different creatures. This is why probably we did create the concept of "soul". Soul is pure, non-material. Soul belongs to the air. Soul can appear in front of me, like a beautiful bubble".
著者: アニエス・ジアール
翻訳: にむらじゅんこ
発売: 2010年12月22日
定価: 3,990円(本体3,800円)
ISBN: 978-4-309-24534-8
内容:あまりに奇妙で、あまりに豊饒な日本のエロス的イメージ! 気鋭のフランス人女性ジャーナリストが論じる大胆な日本のエロティック・カルチャー……ロリコン、人形、制服フェチ、コスプレ、メイドカフェ、援助交際、風俗産業……現代アートや浮世絵、風俗雑誌など、約300点にのぼる豊富な図版を収録!
著者: アニエス・ジアール
翻訳: にむらじゅんこ
発売: 2010年12月22日
定価: 3,990円(本体3,800円)
ISBN: 978-4-309-24534-8
内容:あまりに奇妙で、あまりに豊饒な日本のエロス的イメージ! 気鋭のフランス人女性ジャーナリストが論じる大胆な日本のエロティック・カルチャー……ロリコン、人形、制服フェチ、コスプレ、メイドカフェ、援助交際、風俗産業……現代アートや浮世絵、風俗雑誌など、約300点にのぼる豊富な図版を収録!
欧米フェティッシュ・ジャーナル Fetish Journal

アニエス・ジアール - AGNES GIARD - 1969年生まれ。仏リベラシオン紙のジャーナリストであり、主にカウンターカルチャーや性に関する記事の専門家。日本のエロティシズムについて言及した著作 『エロティック・ジャポン』(仮)、『図解 ビザール・セックス全書』(仮)がそれぞれ河出書房新社と作品社より近日刊行予定。現在は京都の関西日仏交流会館ヴィラ九条山に滞在しており、日本における様々な恋愛物語についての本を準備中。

前田マナ 英国ランカスター大学演劇学部修士修了。専門は現代演劇やコンテンポラリーダンス。
11.02.03更新 |
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